
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Consumer Foundation (YLKI) has asked the government to immediately form an independent investigation team to investigate the tragedy of the Kanjuruhan Stadium which claimed hundreds of lives. According to YLKI, the riots that occurred after the match between Arema Malang (Arema) FC and Persebaya Surabaya on Saturday night were not allowed to be handled by PSSI.

Daily Chairperson of YLKI Tulus Abadi expressed deep condolences to the victims and families of the victims who died in the tragedy at the Kanjuruhan Stadium, Malang, East Java. Tulus said YLKI strongly condemned the tragedy.

Tulus emphasized that this tragedy must be thoroughly investigated starting from organizing, choosing places, to taking action in the field by the police.

"Erassing to form an independent investigation team, not a team formed by PSSI. Because in this case, PSSI is a party that must be held accountable," he said in an official statement, Sunday, October 2.

YLKI, continued Tulus, also urges the management of the organizers, especially Arema management, to take responsibility. Either civilly and or even criminally.

"Padata, manajemen dan penyelenggara harus memberikan kompensasi dan ganti rugi terhadap korban dan keluarga korban (perbaikan)," jelasnya.

Sincerely, this tragedy will only make the face and world of Indonesian football worse and has the potential to be subject to harsh sanctions by FIFA. Therefore, YLKI urges PSSI to impose sanctions on clubs that support it.

"Using PSSI to impose harsh sanctions on clubs (degradation) whose supporters commit acts of violation," he said.

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