
JAKARTA - The first image of a new tombstone posted at Queen Elizabeth II's final resting place in Windsor has been released by Buckingham Palace.

The queen's name was written next to her mother, father and husband's name on a rock at the Montel Memorial King George VI at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, where the king was buried.

Black stone Plates, the new, were installed on the floor after replacing the old tombstones with the names of their parents, George VI and Elizabeth, with gold letters, reported The National News September 25.

The new stone contains, in the form of a list, "Sael VI 1895-1952" and "Elizabeth 1900-2002" followed by metal Star Garter, and then "Elizabeth II 1926-2022" and "Philip 1921-2021".

The four nobles are members of the Garter Ordo, where the St George Kapel is his spiritual home.

The tombstone was made of Belgian black marble which was carved with hands with a yellow letterata, to match the previous ledger stone.

Images show stones surrounded by flower tributes and wreaths.

Queen Elizabeth II was buried with the Duke ofsifat on Monday 19 September evening, in a private service attended by King Charles III and the royal family, who attended her state funeral in Westminster Abbey and a commitment service at Windsor.

The funeral site of Queen and Windsor Castle reopened to the public this week. Kapel will reopen to visitors this week on all days the castle is open to the public, excluding Sunday when it is only open to worshipers.

To enter the castle, there is a fee charged. Namely, £28,50 or equivalent to Rp486,184 on Saturdays and 25,50 pounds or around Rp435,007 on other days, according to the website.

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