JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) revealed that the progress of the construction of Section 2 of the Semarang-Demak Toll Road reached 92.73 percent.
"The construction of the Semarang - Demak Toll Road in Central Java, which uses the Government and Business Entity Cooperation (KPBU) scheme, has entered the final stage of completing construction, especially in Section 2 of Sayung-Demak along 16.31 km, reaching 92.73 percent," said Head of BPJT of the Ministry of PUPR Danang Parikesit in a statement in Jakarta, Antara, Friday, September 30.
After the construction of Section 2 is fully completed by the end of 2022, a series of Functional Feasibility Tests (ULF) can then be carried out and operated for public use.
With the presence of the Semarang - Demak Toll Road, in addition to completing the toll road network and main sections on the north side of Java Island, it will further support the growth of the new Economic Center in Central Java Province.
In addition, it is also a liaison for strategic areas such as ports, airports, industrial areas, religious tourism areas, especially in the Demak area, and unraveling vehicle traffic density around the Kaligawe area and Ahmad Yani Airport.
The Semarang - Demak Toll Road is also used to prevent tidal flooding, as well as overcome floods and puddles that have been the problem of the capital city of Central Java Province.
This 27 km toll road is divided into two sections, namely Section 1 (Semarang/Kaligawe-Sayung) along 10.69 km which is a portion of the Government.
Meanwhile, Section 2 (Sayung-Demak) along the 16.31 Km is a portion of the Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) PT. The construction of the Semarang Demak Housing.
Especially for section 1 Semarang/Kaligawe-Sayung, trial embankment is being carried out up to 2 layers of embankment and can be used as a reference for sea embankment work on the contractual 1B package, which in early 2023 coincided with pile work and was strengthened with a 13-layer bamboo mattress.
For Section 1 Semarang/Kaligawe-Sayung, it is targeted to complete construction in mid-2024. Later, the Semarang Toll Road - Demak Section 2 will have two Interchange (SS), namely, SS Sayung and SS Demak.
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