
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo is still happy. He appreciated that more than 1 million domestic products (PDN) have been included in the e-catalog of the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP), exceeding the set target until the end of 2022. "I am happy, thank God, from the target of 1 million by the end of the year, MSME products and cooperatives entering the e-catalog have reached more than 1 million, previously only 50 thousand, jumped," said President Jokowi at the Jakarta Convention Center, Thursday, September 29.

Previously, the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marinves) Luhur Binsar Pandjaitan explained that as of September 27, 2022, there were 1,204,487 PDN that had been included in the LKPP e-catalog.

Even so, the President continues to direct the ranks of regional heads who are present to continue to develop micro, small and medium enterprises as well as cooperatives in their respective regions so that they can flock to register their products in e-catalog. The President has again highlighted the absorption figures (PDN) in several families/Ls and local governments which are still below 10 percent. "In the last meeting, I said that if I didn't want to quickly open all the numbers, which ministries, which areas didn't lead to it. What is the realization like? This is for 10 ministries of institutions whose budgets are large, the realization is like this, the numbers are all there," said the President. The data displayed by the President, for 10 families/L with the largest budget of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) has the highest level of absorption of GDP, which is 72.7 percent, followed by the National Police with 70 percent, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) 69.2 percent, the Ministry of Transportation 61.3 percent, and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights 57.2 percent.

Then the Ministry of Agriculture 48.9 percent, Ministry of Finance 48 percent, Ministry of Health 32.4 percent, Ministry of Defense 26.2 percent, and Ministry of Communication and Information so that the lowest level of GDP absorption is only 7 percent. Another data displayed by President Jokowi is 10 provinces with the lowest level of PDN absorption, namely East Nusa Tenggara only 23 percent, followed by Bali 26 percent, DKI Jakarta 27 percent, West Nusa Tenggara 32 percent, North Maluku 36 percent, South Kalimantan 37 percent, East Kalimantan 40 percent, West Java 41 percent, Riau Islands 43 percent, and West Kalimantan 43 percent. The President also displays data on 10 districts/cities with the lowest level of PDN absorption, namely Paniai Regency 0 percent, Yalimo Regency and Lanny Jaya Regency 1 percent, Jaya Wijaya Regency 3 percent, Makassar City 6 percent, South Manokwari Regency 8 percent, Jember Regency 9 percent, Majalengka Regency 11 percent, Pematang Siantar City 12 percent, and Karawang Regency 13 percent.

Meanwhile, for SOEs with the lowest level of PDN absorption based on data displayed by the President, Perum Perhutani is 4 percent, Makassar Industrial Estate 6 percent, Main Indonesia Insurance 13 percent, Perum Jasa Tirta I 13 percent, Balai Pustaka 18 percent, BNI 19 percent, Garuda Indonesia 22 percent, BTN 22 percent, Bahana Pembiaya Utama Indonesia 23 percent, and Waskita Karya 35 percent.

"Please see, maybe this 0 has not been absorbed by domestic products and maybe there has been no report yet, so please report it immediately. SOEs are also there, there are all the numbers now. It seems that use domestic products," said the President. Overall in the report previously submitted by Coordinating Minister Marinves it was explained that of the total commitment to PDN expenditure by K/L and local governments of Rp. 937.2 trillion until September 27, 2022, 49.9 percent or Rp. 468.92 trillion has been realized.

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