
JAKARTA - The explosion occurred in the police dormitory (aspol) Grogol Indah, Sukoharjo Regency. The Central Java Police suspect the explosion came from a package containing firecrackers that will be destroyed.

Central Java Police Chief, Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi, said the explosion caused one member of the Surakarta Police, named Bripka Dirgantara Pradipta to be injured. The victim is said to have brought the firecracker package.

"So I emphasize that related to members who want to destroy and then become victims, they will clearly be (investigated, ed) after recovering," said the Kapolda in his statement, Monday, September 26.

So far, seven witnesses have been questioned regarding this explosion. They are the sender of the package with the initials S, the recipient of the initials A package, and members of the Surakarta Police Intelligence and Security Unit.

The examination was carried out to find out whether there was an element of negligence or procedural error.

The Regional Police Chief said that the allegation would later be proven based on the results of the examination of Bripka Dirgantara. However, the examination is waiting for the health in question to improve.

"Is there an element of negligence, pahak anggota salah prosedur dan sebagainya setelah anggota dilakukan pemeriksaan, karena yang bersangkutan masih sakit," kata Luthfi.

The explosion at Grogol Indah Police took place on Sunday, September 25. The incident caused Bripka Dirgantara to suffer 70 percent burns.

Korban saat ini masih menjalani perawatan intensif di Rumah Sakit Moewardi Solo.

So far, it is certain that the explosion was not related to acts of terror. However, it comes from a package containing firecrackers resulting from the raid in 2021.

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