
JAKARTA - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) said the synergy between state officials was the key to the rehabilitation process for victims of past gross human rights violations in implementing Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 17 of 2022.

"This needs to be strengthened so that it is much more optimal and maximal in the rehabilitation of the victims. For this reason, elements of state strength, both in ministries and institutions, must be synergized," said LPSK Deputy Chair Edwin Partogi Pasaribu in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Sunday, September 25.

He said that the strength of synergy between ministries and institutions was needed following the government's policy of issuing a Presidential Decree on the non-judicial settlement of cases of gross human rights violations.

"We leave that to the government, LPSK is only in a ready position if there are those related to the victim, then based on the jurisdiction of the working area at LPSK," said Edwin.

He said that even though the punishment for the perpetrators of past gross human rights crimes would be difficult, recovery, the future including the dignity of the victims, and their families must be restored.

In general, he continued, LPSK is in a position ready to assist the team in resolving past gross human rights violations as a form of completing its mandate.

"We have victims of gross human rights violations that have been protected by LPSK," he said.

At least, Edwin said, this institution has provided protection for victims of gross human rights violations, totaling around 4,500 people.

The victims came from various events, including the 1965 tragedy, Tanjung Priok, Talang Sari, Geudong Aceh House, and the Jambo Keupok incident.

This means, he said, there have been around 4,500 victims of gross human rights violations who have received LPSK protection in the form of rehabilitation of medical, psychological, and psychosocial assistance.

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