
JAKARTA - Gempa berkekuatan magnitudo 6,4 mengguncang wilayah Pantai Barat Aceh pada Sabtu, 24 September dini hari, pukul 03.53 WIB. Pusat gempa berada di laut 46 km arah Barat Daya Meulaboh, Aceh Barat pada kedalaman 53 km.

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) stated that earthquakes were felt up to the Meulaboh, South Aceh, and Nagan Raya areas with an intensity scale of IV MMI.

Gempa juga dirasakan masyarakat di Aceh Besar, Banda Aceh, Takengon, Bener Meriah, dan Simeulue dengan skala intensitas III MMI.

Vibrations were also felt by the people in Pidie, Idi, Bireun, Langsa and Aceh Tamiang with an intensity scale of II MMI.

"Some people felt the vibrations, light objects that were hung swayed. So far, there have been no reports of damage caused by the earthquake," said BMKG Deputy Geophysics Suko Prayitno Adi, as reported by Antara.

BMKG then appealed to the public to remain calm but vigilant. Aftershocks are still possible.

"People whose homes have been damaged or partially damaged are advised not to stay at home, because if a significant aftershock occurs, it can cause more severe damage and even collapse," said Suko.

Suko also appealed to the public to be aware of hilly areas with steep cliffs because significant aftershocks could trigger landslides and rock collapse.

"The public is asked not to believe false news about the prediction of a larger earthquake and a tsunami will occur," he said.

As previously reported, the western coast of Aceh was rocked by a tectonic earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 at 03.53 WIB at the epicenter of 3.75° LU; 95.97° East Longitude, precisely at sea 46 km southwest of Meulaboh, West Aceh at a depth of 53 km.

The BMKG emphasized that this tectonic earthquake had no impact on the tsunami.

"The sea surface does not show an impact of an increase. There are sea level observations and it is stated that there has been no significant change in sea level," explained Suko.

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