
JAKARTA - There has been criticism of the new policy of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, which now allows Jakarta residents to build houses of up to four floors.

City planning observer from Trisakti University Nirwono Joga did not agree because it made the number of buildings heavier. As a result, the land subsidence that is now happening in Jakarta will be faster.

"If it (the construction of a 4-story house) is carried out, it will definitely speed up the process of land subsidence. This means that the use of groundwater will not be taken into account," said Nirwono when contacted, Saturday, September 24.

Nirwono said the impact of land subsidence would increase if 4-story houses were built in the North Jakarta and West Jakarta areas.

Meanwhile, if it is built in Central Jakarta, South Jakarta, and East Jakarta, it is still allowed. However, the DKI Provincial Government needs to apply strict requirements, namely by providing piped water, so that residents no longer use groundwater.

"It should be available, so that the household does not use ground water, if you use a groundwater pump, the water must be getting bigger. So, the condition is that there must be access to clean water," said Nirwono.

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan issued a new regulation granting permits to Jakarta residents to build houses up to 4 floors.

This is stated in Governor Regulation Number 31 of 2022 concerning Detailed Spatial Planning Plans for the Regional Planning of the Special Capital City Region of Jakarta.

"Our residents' houses are only allowed 1 floor, 2 floors. Now, residential houses will be allowed up to 4 floors in our households in Jakarta," Anies said in the socialization of Gubernatorial Regulation Number 31 of 2022 at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Wednesday, September 21.

In the old rule, namely Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2014, residential houses are prohibited more than 3 floors. This is because more than three floors are only allowed at shop houses, guesthouses, and the like.

Seeing the development of the city of Jakarta so far, Anies said that the limit on the number of floors in residential houses in the old regulations limits the use of land in Jakarta, which has a high price.

Therefore, in the new rules, Anies said that allowing houses to live up to 4 floors is expected to encourage land optimization.

"This will have a sizeable impact. So, later Jakarta will not be flat, but the city can increase its population higher, it has a higher land value," said Anies.

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