
BANYUASN - The Regional Disaster Management Agency of Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra, found the body of a local resident who had been missing a few days ago allegedly attacked by a crocodile. "The body victim of a man with the initials UH (47), a resident of Hamlet 1 of Betung Bay, Pulau Rimau District, Banyuasin was found on Tuesday morning at around 07.30 WIB," said Head of BPBD Banyuasin Alfian in a message received in Palembang, Antara, Tuesday, September 20. The BPBD Rapid Response Team together with joint Basarnas officers, TNI, Polri and local residents have been searching since last Sunday evening. The body was found on the banks of the Kaling Air Tenggulang Strait, Telung Tenggulangulang Village, Tungkal Ilir. His party estimates that the location of the discovery is about 5 kilometers from the location where the victim was reported missing by residents. At that time, the person concerned cleared the boat in the waters of the Teluk Betung Village River. “ The body of UH's victim was found intact even though it was dragged about 5 kilometers, ” he said. Furthermore, UH's body was immediately evacuated to the funeral home for a funeral by the family. On the other hand, his party could not confirm whether it was true that the victim drowned in the river because it was attacked by a crocodile, as reported by a local resident before or was dragged by a tidal current. However, this possibility is still there because it is known along with the results of coordination with the Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) of the Betung Bay River and its surroundings are crocodile habitats. <quo; So from here we expect the public to be more vigilant and careful, pay attention to the surrounding environment first before starting their activities, especially avoid traveling alone,” he said.

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