
JAKARTA - Ipah Farihah, the wife of the Chairman of the Press Council, Prof. Azyumardi Azra, said that the deceased had a good and simple personality. Even he was unable to follow the kindness and simplicity of his husband.

Simply extraordinary, simple which I also find difficult to keep up with its simplicity. Because I want him to be comfortable, yes," said Ipah at the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery (TMP), South Jakarta, September 20.

Ipah also said that Azyumardi Azra was a hard worker and it was done until the end of his life.

"I know, the beginning of marriage until the end of the trial, whose name is hard work never comes down. Constan continues to work hard in writing activities and so on," he said.

In addition, even though her husband is having difficulties, Azyumardi does not want to trouble other people or independent figures.

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