
JAKARTA - A number of violent acts have recently occurred in religious educational institutions, including Islamic boarding schools. The Director of Diniyah Education and Islamic Boarding Schools Waryono Abdul Ghofur explained that the Ministry of Religion had made early efforts as part of preventive measures and preventive efforts.

"We made a number of efforts, although it didn't have to be a show of force. For example, as a precaution, we made efforts to foster socialization of child-friendly boarding schools. We have a guidebook that was prepared with the KPPA (Commission for the Protection of Women and Children) for child-friendly boarding schools. Waryono explained, quoted from the ministry's official website, Sunday, September 18.

The Ministry of Religion, said Waryono, continues to establish communication with Islamic boarding schools to remind each other that santri are entrusted by parents to kyai, nyai mothers, and ustaz. So, students must be treated like their own children.

“This means that students must receive protection and learning. If sick, treated. (students) No violence. We continue to communicate and socialize this, “explained Waryono.

This socialization process continues in stages. This is because the number of pesantren is indeed very large, more than 37 thousand registered with the Ministry of Religion. The socialization was conveyed to the Heads of Divisions and Section Heads at the Provincial Office of the Ministry of Religion in charge of fostering Islamic boarding schools. Socialization was also given to representatives of Islamic boarding schools, either in online or offline (offline) forums.

“We convey that pesantren caregivers must read the regulations related to the protection of children and women. In fact, I call the regulation the new yellow book. The law on the protection of children and women should be a guide for Islamic boarding schools and all Indonesian people," he said.

"So, pesantren do not only read the Ansich (religious) yellow book, but also the yellow book in the form of regulations that apply in Indonesia," he continued.

The Ministry of Religion, continued Waryono, is currently drafting a Minister of Religion Regulation (RPMA) on the Prevention and Handling of Sexual and Child Violence in Islamic Boarding Schools. The drafting process has entered the stage of harmonization at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

This RPMA consists of 8 chapters with approximately 50 articles. The definition of sexual violence in this regulation is different from the definition in Permendikbud Number 30 of 2021. This is because the regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture has a clause "without the consent of the victim" to define acts of sexual violence. In this RPMA, the definition is made with a religious approach.

The RPMA also contains a chapter on preventing sexual violence in religious education institutions. This regulation will encourage religious education institutions to create a sexual violence prevention and handling task force (PPKS Task Force).

In the handling chapter, this regulation will regulate the reporting flow for victims of sexual violence. The Ministry of Religion will work closely with the Social Service and non-governmental organizations to help assist victims from the psychological aspect. This chapter also regulates the attitude of educational institutions towards perpetrators and victims. Waryono explained that victims should be given the opportunity to continue their education.

Regarding perpetrators of sexual violence in religious education institutions, Waryono explained that the regulations being drafted regulate sanctions in the form of administrative and criminal. If it meets the criminal element, the perpetrator will be handed over to law enforcement.

"If it's administrative, it can be in the form of dismissal," said Waryono.

"This regulation will also stipulate that the perpetrator must pay compensation to restore the victim's mental and health," he said again.

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