
JAKARTA - Hundreds of student protesters in the Horse Statue area began leaving the Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat section on Thursday, September 15, afternoon.

Exactly at 17.00 WIB, hundreds of people began to move back and disperse after giving a statement of attitude towards their actions.

Meanwhile, Central Jakarta Environmental Sub-Department (LH) PPSU and Sub-Department officers were deployed to clean up scattered garbage due to demonstrations against the increase in fuel prices (BBM).

Kasatpel LH Gambir District, Mumuh Mulya stated, his party deployed a number of officers to clean up the garbage left over from the demonstration.

"This demonstration is quite conducive so the waste is not too much, so it makes it easier for us to complete this cleaning," Mumuh told VOI on Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta, Thursday, September 15, afternoon.

Mumuh explained that his party deployed two asphalt cleaning cars to restore the original color of asphalt from the Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat section.

"Today we have deployed 2 fleets of road sweepers and 50 personnel. Hopefully after the demonstration, this area will be cleared again and the route will be reopened for the benefit of the community," he said.

Mumuh further explained that the waste left over from demonstrations is usually mineral water bottles and food residue.

"Sampat botol aqua and leftover food. All of them were thrown into the Waste Depot on Jalan Tanah Abang 1, Gambir," he concluded.

A number of student elements from various campuses still fill the Horse Statue area, on Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Gambir, Central Jakarta on Thursday, September 15, afternoon.

They again conveyed a demonstration regarding the refusal to increase the price of fuel oil (BBM). As of 16.50 WIB, hundreds of students were still surviving in the Horse Statue area. Some of them have been scattered and have begun to disperse.

"Given the opportunity to express aspirations, must respect ethics, norms and rules. Let's maintain it so that it remains peaceful and orderly," said the police officer from the loudspeaker, Thursday, September 15, afternoon.

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