
JAKARTA - One of the attitudes a leader must have is to listen. This was conveyed by the Presidential Chief of Staff, Dr. Moeldoko while attending the ASNfest 2022 event, at the National Awakening Museum, Jakarta, Saturday, September 10.

"Leaders, officials, don't just want to talk, but also have to listen. They want to listen to criticism and input from ordinary people or subordinates," said Moeldoko.

An attitude of wanting to listen can make leaders and subordinates there will be no distance. Likewise between officials and the public.

He also shared his experience when he was still active in the Indonesian Army with the rank of Lieutenant Two.

"At that time I had ideas and imaginations for the TNI AD in the future. But because there was a distance between the leadership and superiors, I didn't dare to say what I thought. It was only 20 years after becoming Commander, I realized the idea," said Moeldoko.

Moeldoko added that this experience made him more in the field when he became the TNI Commander to listen to the aspirations of the soldiers. Likewise now he is the Presidential Chief of Staff.

"When I was Commander in Chief, I made the TNI to hear. I brought this program when I was the Presidential Chief of Staff. There was KSP Hearing. This is a means to bring the palace closer to the people," he explained.

"I have never restricted myself from accommodating staff ideas at KSP. Anyone can meet and talk to me. If you don't believe it, please prove it coming to KSP," continued Moeldoko.

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