
JAKARTA - Chairman of the House of Representatives' Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP) Fadli Zon, expressed his deep condolences for the death of Queen Elizabeth II. According to him, Queen Elizabeth II has dedicated herself to her country with full responsibility. Fadli also views that the Queen of England is a leader who never takes care of herself. "Rest in peace (RIP) for Queen Elizabeth II, 1 Queen 15 prime minister, 70 years of rule as a beacon of stability through the toughest times in history," said Fadli Zon via his personal Twitter account @fadlizon, which has been translated, Friday, September 9.

The member of Commission I of the House of Representatives in charge of foreign affairs said that apart from being a person who dedicated his life to the British people, Queen Elizabeth II was an inspiration to world leaders in the future.

"He dedicates his life to a feeling of unwavering responsibility," said Fadli. "Hopefully his disgraceful attitude, courage and resilience will be an inspiration to future leaders," he hoped.

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