
ACEH - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) said the people of Banda Aceh City had just enjoyed a culinary phenomenon or a day without a shadow of the sun.

BMKG staff of Aceh Province, Andrean Simanjuntak, said that historically the qualification in Banda Aceh last year occurred in March and September, but in 2022 it happened yesterday, Thursday, September 8, at around 12:36.27 WIB.

"The qualification phenomenon occurred about 5-10 minutes at the longest, at the earliest 3-5 minutes," he said in Banda Aceh, confiscated by Antara.

Andrean explained that the day without a shadow of the sun is a rare phenomenon because it only occurs 1-2 times a year. His memoment appears when the sun declinations are the same as the observational latitude.

"Geographically, Indonesia, which is located in the tropics, is at coordinates 6 degrees LU-11 degrees South Latitude and divides the equator, receiving sunlight for a long time and this allows sunlight to be at a point right above us," he said.

The day without a shadow, he continued, occurs when the sun is upright above Indonesian territory, a shadow formed by an upright object in the position of an object.

"The position of the sun declination is the same as the geographical latitude of Indonesia, then the sun will be right above the head at noon between 12.00-13.00 WIB," he said.

Andrean said this qualification phenomenon can be observed directly at noon from September 7 to October 21, 2022.

He said the day without a shadow of the sun can also be observed from various regions, depending on the geographical location of each region, and weather conditions during the qualification.

In addition to Banda Aceh, this qualification phenomenon can also be observed in several areas of Aceh Province, such as in Sabang 7 September, 12,36.52 WIB, and Langsa 11 September, 12.24.52 WIB.

He added that the day without a shadow of the sun is an ordinary astronomical phenomenon that does not cause natural disasters, such as earthquakes and tsunamis as well as meteorological conditions such as strong winds or heavy rains.

The qualization phenomenon can also affect the transition period of the season, which is synonymous with the transition period. When the sun moves south, he continued, the southern hemisphere will experience an increase in sea surface temperature and enter the rainy season, while when the Sun moves north, the region will experience a dry season.

"People can also practice by placing objects upright and seeing the effects of the shadow so that they can add education related to astronomical phenomena in Indonesia," he said.

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