
JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko received the arrival of Abdimuda (Indonesian Young ASN), at the Bina Graha Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 7. Abdimuda is a place for young servants who want to encourage smart and contributive mindsets as national servants.

At the meeting, Moeldoko emphasized the importance of young ASNs to bring distance between the government and the community. For this reason, he stressed, Young ASNs must revolutionize public services in the bureaucracy by leaving the mental and old or conventional ways.

"You have a tough task to rebuild people's trust in the government. So make your potential as young ASNs to revolutionize public services in the bureaucracy. Don't use old methods and mindsets anymore," Moeldoko ordered.

On that occasion, Moeldoko also encouraged Young ASN to really work hard to serve the community, and not focus on pursuing positions and ranks. "When I was active in the TNI I didn't really pursue rank. But I have the spirit and principles of the Indonesian Army would lose if I didn't use Moeldoko," he said.

"For that I work to make achievements. Others study four hours I am seven hours. Others are still sleeping, I've run away. Trust me the process will not betray the results," added Moeldoko.

For information, Indonesia's Young ASN audience at the Presidential Staff Office is related to the implementation of ASNFest, which will be held on Saturday (10/9), at the National Awakening Museum. "We want to invite Mr. Moeldoko to attend and open the ASNFest," said Affin, one of the Young ASN from BNPT.

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