
JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria explained the reason his party had not implemented an arrangement for working hours in Jakarta to relieve congestion. The policy is only a public test plan.

Riza views that the policy on working hours to relieve congestion cannot be decided unilaterally by local governments. This is because many central government offices operate in Jakarta.

"(Settings of working hours) are still being discussed and are still being discussed with related parties and employers' associations. The intentions are good, but it has not been decided because it concerns the central government," Riza told reporters, Tuesday, September 6.

Therefore, the former member of the DPR admitted that the DKI Provincial Government is still waiting for approval from the central government to be able to implement arrangements for working hours in the capital city.

"We also follow what are the instructions, policies, rather than the central government, in this case the Ministry of Transportation. We also want it as soon as possible, yes. But, it cannot be decided unilaterally," he said.

As is known, the discourse on regulating working hours was proposed by the Director of Traffic of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Latif Usman. He said the working hours were made as an effort to reduce congestion by preventing people from doing activities at the same time.

"If they carry out activities together, they must do an apple at 7 am, Jakarta is like being hit by flash floods every day and we are downstream having to arrange it at the same time," he said.

Latif said that the percentage of road congestion in Jakarta currently reaches 48 percent at leaving and leaving work, causing extraordinary and uncomfortable congestion for all road users.

"At 07.00-09.00 WIB and after work, it was 14.00-16.00 WIB, it was 48 percent. If it was already at that figure, it would be very crowded," he said.

Then, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said that the government would conduct a public trial to regulate working hours in the capital city to relieve traffic jams.

The public trial for the distribution of office hours for employees working in Jakarta will be carried out in the near future. However, Syafrin could not confirm the implementation time.

"We will conduct public trials by involving all associations. Public trials will be carried out in the near future, but now the U20 focus is still on it," said Syafrin when contacted, Wednesday, August 31.

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