
MAGELANG - Head of the Education Financing Service Center (Puslapdik) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Abdul Kahar said recipients of the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) for Lectures should not be complacent with the facilities provided because the evaluation will be tightened and can be replaced at any time.

"You should not be complacent with the facilities you receive. KIP Lectures do not have to pay for tuition for the first semester until it is finished. If it does not meet the standards, it can be revoked and replaced," said Abdul Kahar in Magelang as reported by ANTARA, Friday, September 2.

This was conveyed by Abdul Kahar when delivering material at the New Student Greeting and Socialization for 2022 KIP Recipients at the dr. H. Suparsono Tidar University (Untidar) Magelang.

Starting in 2022, each university is recommended to implement a more rigorous and careful evaluation stage. This evaluation aims to foster competition and enthusiasm for continuing to learn for all KIP Lecture recipients.

There are several important evaluation points such as the cumulative achievement index (GPA) and economic status. According to the Rector's Regulation Number 02 of 2016, the minimum GPA of students receiving KIP Lectures is 3.00.

"In addition to the GPA, it is also important to pay attention to economic status. It is wrong if this facility is given to the wrong person," he said.

According to him, the economic status has become one of the highlights because for the past two years, Puslapdik has not required direct visits to the homes of prospective KIP Lecturers due to the pandemic, so it is feared that there will be fraud when entering data during the selection of KIP Lectures.

Abdul Kahar advised to always cultivate gratitude, make the best use of this "Golden Ticket" opportunity, change the mindset to always be enthusiastic and determined to be better by improving the learning process.

Meanwhile, Magelang Mayor Muchamad Nur Aziz said he was also a student who received a scholarship.

"Just like you, I also study with scholarship assistance. From semester 3 to the end I don't pay tuition. When I continued to specialist level I also started studying while working," he said.

"I used to sell photocopies for dictation. Use stupid knowledge, don't be a thinker, but stupid knowledge that has a life map strategy," added Nur Aziz.

The Mayor of Magelang also delivered the material with the theme "Magelang City Government Support in the World of Higher Education"

Rector of Untidar Magelang Prof. Dr. Mukh Arifin, M.Sc. hope that students who receive KIP Lectures will become ambassadors or role models for other Untidar students. Exemplary in the spirit of learning, self-development, and behavior that upholds good morals.

He emphasized that not all students who have economic conditions like theirs get the opportunity to get the KIP College. So the facilities that will be obtained such as tuition fees and pocket money should be used as well as possible to support lectures at Untidar.

According to the data presented by Untidar's Academic and Student Coordinator David Budhi Hartono, M.Sc. out of a total of 755 students who have a college KIP, only 365 students are designated to be recipients of a lecture KIP at Untidar.

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