JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission X of the DPR from the PKS faction, Abdul Fikri Faqih, asked for the discussion of the Draft Law on the National Education System (RUU Sisdiknas) to be postponed.
Because according to him, there are still many initiation processes that should be carried out by the government as a proposal, but have not been carried out.
<quo;For example, regarding the roadmap for education that is not clear, there is a strong public criticism for the lack of public involvement, to allegations of illegal articles that remove important substances,” said Fikri Faqih, Friday, September 2.
The PKS politician then explained that initially the revision of the Sisdiknas Law was proposed by the DPR because he saw the need for some adjustments in line with technological developments. However, said Fikri, suddenly the government, in this case the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) is the proposer, so the DPR is in a position waiting for the draft.
However, when Commission XI was waiting for the draft, said Fikri, the government actually sent a draft through the Legislative Council. In fact, Commission X of the DPR has evaluated several things that were previously discussed by the working committee (panja) and produced several recommendations to the Ministry of Education and Culture.
“ For example, recommendations regarding the education roadmap made by the Ministry of Education and Culture, in fact, are not forwarded, even though it is our basis for advancing to the discussion of the revision of the Sisdiknas Law,” Fikri asserted.
If there is no roadmap that becomes a reference, according to Fikri, the Sisdiknas Law, which will be produced, will have no clear direction and purpose. Moreover, the new Sisdiknas Law plans to combine three other laws.
"So it becomes the omnibus (UU paying) for education, namely Law 20/2003, Law 14/2005 concerning teachers and lecturers, and Law 12/2012 concerning higher education," he continued.
Tak hanya itu, Legislator Jawa Tengah itu menilai, pembuatan draft RUU Sisdiknas versi pemerintah juga minimal partisipasi publik serta belum banyak melibatkan pakar dan ahli pendidikan dalam prosesnya.
“ Some people criticize the substance of the government version of the cysdiknas Bill that is unclear, unclear, discrepancies, causes various confusions and question marks, even allegedly as made in a dark space without expert involvement, tends not to be transparent and in a hurry,&rdquo said. Fikri.
Therefore, he added, there were a lot of wild issues because of the disappearance of several articles containing important substances in the government version of the Sisdiknas Bill. For example, there are many questions about the disappearance of the madrasa word, then now it's about the allowance for the teacher profession which is also missing.
<quo;In substance, we must be more transparent and communicative, although I think this education should receive a lot of criticism, we consider it part of therapy, which if we accommodation and it is positive, we can correct it according to our common wishes, because education is a constitutional mandate, not a party vision, but a state vision according to the Constitution,” said Fikri Faqih.
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