
SULTRA - The Forestry Police of the Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) of Southeast Sulawesi destroyed as many as 82 wild snares allegedly set by the community to free a deer pig that was entangled in a conservation forest area.

Head of Natural Resources Conservation (KSDA) Region II BKSDA Sultra La Ode Kaida said the dozens of wild snares were found by the KSDA Resort Team Konsel II during a routine patrol carried out on Tuesday in the conservation area of ​​the Tanjung Peropa Wildlife Refuge in South Konawe Regency.

"In the framework of patrolling animal snares, the team found and destroyed 82 units of snares installed by the community and found a deer pig that was caught in a snare," he said by telephone from Kendari, Antara, Wednesday, August 31.

He conveyed that his party destroyed the wild snares that were installed by the community by dismantling the ropes and then taking them to the KSDA office to protect rare endemic animals, one of which was the deer pig.

"The team managed to save the female deer pig by cutting the snare with a machete," he said.

The Southeast Sulawesi BKSDA forestry police increased patrols in conservation areas and conducted investigations related to the widespread installation of animal snares in the area.

"The deer pig species are endemic and rare species of animals and are protected by law Number 5 of 1990 and Government Regulation Number 7 of 1999 concerning Preservation of Plant and Animal Species as well as Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation Number P.106/menlhk/2018 concerning Protected Plant and Animal Species," he said.

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