
JAKARTA - East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Budi Sartono confirmed that the Mount Antang area often experiences disturbances in public order security (Kamtibmas) and community ills. This was revealed when carrying out control in the Mount Antang area on Tuesday, August 30.

The East Jakarta Metro Police and their ranks, continued Kombes Budi, had previously held a meeting when it was discovered that this land belonged to PT KAI. His party held a joint coordination meeting of PT KAI with local regional officials.

"After the meeting, the agreement for this place was brought under control by PT KAI and today we have helped PT KAI bring order to illegal buildings in Mount Antang," said Kombes Budi in the Mount Antang area, Tuesday, August 30.

The police chief confirmed that the area is a place for people's diseases that are often carried out at night. In addition to prostitution, the location of Mount Antang is also often used as a gambling place, and acts of thuggery.

"God willing, after being brought under control by PT KAI, green open spaces will be built. We will assist 250 personnel from the National Police," he said.

Previously reported, sebany

Ak 120 illegal buildings (bangli) on Mount Antang, East Jakarta, which are suspected to be rife with prostitution and gambling practices that are troubling local residents and eventually razed to the ground.

Control is carried out on the land of PT KAI with a certificate of use rights No. 388 of 1988.

The control process took place on Tuesday, August 30. Control is closely controlled by the TNI and Polri in the East Jakarta area as well as the Satker Team of the Jakarta-Banten Regional Railway Engineering Center (BTPWJB) DJKA Kemenhub.

The illegal buildings located on KAI land were brought under control by involving as many as 800 joint personnel consisting of PT KAI Daop 1, TNI, Polri, Pol PP, BTPWJB, and elements of the local area.

This control was carried out after going through several stages, including the granting of Unloaded Orders and SP1 to SP3 but not being heeded by residents. Control starts at 08.30 WIB. As of 09.50 WIB, the control is still ongoing.

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