
JAKARTA - The Narcotics Investigation Unit of the Samarinda Police, East Kalimantan, arrested six drug dealers of the Samarinda-East Kalimantan network of methamphetamine. Sadly, two of them are husband and wife.

"The six suspects have the initials HR (32), RS (42), SP (39), MH (38) and two women from East Kutai with the initials EF (35) and TU (45). Suspects MH and EF are husband and wife," said Samarinda Police Chief Kombes Ary Fadli, during the crisis of the case in Samarinda, Monday, August 29, quoted from Antara.

The police chief explained that the disclosure of the shabu-shabu distribution case began on Thursday (25/8) night at around 22.00 WITA on the edge of Jalan Gatot Subroto, Samarinda. The police suspect them while riding a green Yamaha Mio motorcycle.

"Both of them were then dismissed by officers and admitted that they had the initials HR and AR (only accompanied). When searched, evidence was found in the form of a black plastic sheet containing a pack of methamphetamine weighing 1,007.9 grams which was found on the ground which was previously squeezed on a motorbike by AR which was carried by HR," he explained.

Based on the results of the interrogation of HR, the methamphetamine that was taken with the tracking system was ordered by the hospital, which is an inmate of the Sempaja Detention Center.

From the results of the development of hospitals, the illicit goods are orders from TU, a woman in Sangatta, East Kutai.

"So, this hospital is an intermediary who ordered goods by ordering HR to take orders from TU in East Kutai (East Kutai). From this communication between the RS and TU, later the TU order will be received by someone on Jalan PM Noor, namely SP," explained the Police Chief.

After that, the development and arrest of MH was carried out on Jalan APT Pranoto Sangatta Utara, a million East. MH acts as the taker of TU orders which are planned to be brought by SP from Samarinda.

"Based on the results of the interrogation, MH admitted that he was asked to take goods by TU, after that the officers immediately secured the TU for ordering goods. We then went to MH's house in Kajang Village and a search was carried out until evidence was found in the form of a sling bag containing eight pockets of methamphetamine weighing 3.79 grams in the room, as well as arresting EF, MH's wife who was also involved," he explained.

Ary Fadli added that the six suspects arrested were a network of narcotics dealers from Samarinda-Sangatta, East Kutai, who have been in action for the past year.

"The suspects have now been detained for further examination and legal proceedings," said the Samarinda Police Chief.

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