
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) emphasized the importance of an article governing the insult to the President in the Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP).

"I say it is necessary. Because the essence of the insult is only two, namely menista and slander," said Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham) Edward Omar Sharif Hieriej in Jakarta, Monday, August 29.

The Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights is of the same view as demeaning a person. For example, it is like equalizing someone with an animal or animal.

Then, in any religious teachings no one teaches or justifys slander. Therefore, he admitted that he was surprised that there were parties who considered the article of insult to the President was the same as silencing freedom of expression, freedom of expression, and democracy.

"Obviously insulting is different from free expression," he said.

He explained that what is guaranteed in the 1945 Constitution (UUD) Article 28 is freedom of democracy, freedom of expression, and freedom of expression, not freedom of expression.

"So the essence of insulting is slander," he said.

On several occasions, the Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights emphasized that insulting and criticizing are two different things in principle.

Then if there is an assumption that concerns the occurrence of multiple interpretations about the article of insults by the President by law enforcement officers, he said that that is where it is important to provide an explanation so that there are no such multiple interpretations.

"So we have said in an explanation that it is not an attack on the dignity of the President and the Vice President if it is for the public interest," he explained.

More clearly, what is referred to as the public interest, he explained, is that it involves criticism of the policies of the President and the Vice President. This means that the article that regulates the insult to the President is not to curb democracy.

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