
JAKARTA - The even House of Representatives is 77 years old. Legislative performance is considered to be getting better, especially since in the past year it has succeeded in distributing 32 laws (UU) even though they are still under the threat of COVID-19.

"The momentum of the DPR's 77th Anniversary can be interpreted as a special moment because in the last year the DPR has issued 32 laws. One of the achievements that should be appreciated considering that we are still in a pandemic," said Political Communications observer Silvanus Alvin, Monday, August 29.

The DPR succeeded in completing 32 laws during the 2021-2022 session, which refers to 2 Annual Priority Prolegnas, namely the 2021 Priority Prolegnas and the 2022 Priority Prolegnas. Alvin said the DPR was able to prove its work well in terms of limitations during COVID-19.

"In the midst of a pandemic and all physical limitations, the DPR remains focused on carrying out their main tasks in the field of supervision, making legislation, and budget functions," said the lecturer at the Faculty of Communications, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN).

"This also cannot be separated from the important role of the leadership of Mrs. Puan Maharani, the DPR is carrying out its duties in difficult times," added Alvin.

Puan Maharani's leadership as Chair of the DPR has also improved the image of the DPR in the eyes of the world. Alvin said that the DPR's success in holding the 144th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) session in Bali some time ago was real evidence because the DPR received a lot of praise from the countries participating in the world parliamentary forum.

"The DPR's anniversary moment is also getting sweeter because the DPR is the host of an international event, namely P20, in October," he said.

The G20 Parliamentary Speakers' Summit (P20) is a parliamentary forum for the G20 countries which was held in a series of G20 Summits. In addition to holding the G20 presidency for the first time, Indonesia is also the host for the multilateral forum.

At the upcoming P20, the House of Representatives will discuss four things that have a high level of relevance for global recovery, namely related to green economy issues, food and energy crises, gender equality, and effective parliament in the era of democracy.

"You could say Indonesia will be the center of attention at the event," said Alvin.

This English graduate of the University of Leicester added that the DPR's transparency efforts in the process of discussing the bill to become a law are also important to appreciate. Alvin said that the DPR is not rigid or conventional because it is willing to accommodate the aspirations of every element of society.

"The DPR has taken advantage of digital developments such as displaying a discussion process or hearing meeting with the YouTube medium (DPR RI account), so that anyone can access it," he said.

"This transparency is also one of the factors that I believe is the increasing public trust in the DPR," continued Alvin.

At the age of 77 years, the DPR is considered to be getting better to support the expectations of the community. One thing that needs to be highlighted, said Alvin, is how the DPR in the era of Puan's leadership succeeded in realizing Law No. 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence (UU TPKS) which has been long awaited by the people.

"The chairman of the first women's DPR in the republic showed attention to great women in Indonesia. Of course, the birth of the law also cannot be separated from the role of legislators from various parties," explained the Lecturer at the UMN's Prodi Distance Learning.

Alvin hopes that the DPR will continue to improve its performance in the future. Moreover, support from the DPR is needed during the recovery period of the Covid-19 pandemic so that the policies made by the Government focus on people's welfare.

"In the future, the DPR is expected to always pay attention and focus on the interests of the pro-people. Ahead of the 2024 General Election, it is hoped that the DPR can also remain solid, not merely seeking politics," concluded Alvin.

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