
JAKARTA - Member of the PSI faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Eneng Malianasari, regrets that the official residences to sub-district heads in Jakarta are not occupied and are now used warehouses.

In fact, said Eneng, DKI Jakarta has a shortage of 1.2 million houses to live in. The lack of housing is difficult to meet with high housing prices while the minimum wage in DKI is unable to balance.

"This is an irony among DKI residents who have difficulty finding a place to live, in fact there are a number of official houses that are not used according to their functions," said Eneng in his statement, Sunday, August 28.

According to Eneng, these unmanaged assets should be optimized and utilized for the economic activities of DKI Jakarta residents.

"If it was used more clearly, the economic value would certainly be higher and could be regional income. The DKI Provincial Government not only recorded and secured its assets but must also be utilized," he asserted.

Furthermore, Eneng asked the DKI Provincial Government to use assets such as residents' halls, posyandu, or the Krida Karang Taruna building to be converted as a flat construction site.

"Once again, I deeply regret the poor use of regional assets that is not appropriate in DKI Jakarta. Even though the official residence can be used for residents' activities. Not to mention the use of other regional assets which ultimately only contribute little to regional revenues," he explained.

For information, a number of official houses (Rudin) of sub-districts to sub-districts in Central Jakarta have changed their function to warehouses for used goods to bird cages.

From observations at the location, one of the sub-district official houses in the Cempaka Putih area looks unkempt and becomes a used goods warehouse.

According to one of the sources who refused to name him, the official residences of Cempaka Putih Barat, Johar Baru and Tanah Tinggi were never occupied by the lurah.

"It's not the village head who occupies the training, I know why it's different from the village head or not, it can't be seen from the uniform. We don't know who occupies it because we never greet the residents," he said, some time ago.

Based on information, a number of official houses that did not function properly were in Kramat, West Cempaka Putih, Tanah Tinggi, Johar Baru and Kebon Melati sub-districts.

Cempaka Putih sub-district head Fauzi commented on the official house that was used as a warehouse for used goods. Fauzi explained that he had not occupied the official residence because his condition was damaged. He said, currently it is also being proposed to be renovated.

"I entered the Cempaka Putih sub-district head, indeed the condition was damaged. Well, so I didn't stay," Fauzi said when confirmed.

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