
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) for Religious Affairs, KH Ahmad Fahrur Rozi, assessed that PPP Chairman Suharso Monoarfa's statement that kiai envelopes were a form of money politics had reduced the trust of pesantren to PPP.

"Because the PPP chairman is considered a person who doesn't understand how to respect and appreciate pesantren, especially when he said it in front of the KPK," he said in a written statement in Jakarta, Antara, Friday, August 26.

The illustration is inappropriate and inappropriate for Suharso to convey, especially since he is the general chairman of the party bearing the Kaaba symbol with a Muslim constituency.

"This illustration is very inappropriate for a head of a political party, especially an Islam-based one, it means he does not understand the traditions that develop in society, how we, the community and the kiai have a symbiosis of mutual respect, glorifying each other, it is not meant to be a bribe at all. ," he emphasized.

"I think PPP should introspect and they should apologize," said Gus Fahrur.

Gus Fahrur said that equating giving something to a kiai with money politics cannot be justified. Because, according to Gus Fahrur, the kiai serve and become a reference for the community, then of course the community has great respect for the kiai who have spent their time serving and giving something to the kiai is just an appreciation.

“Giving something has become a tradition, respecting the teacher like we are visiting with souvenirs. It cannot be called money politics, because they (the kiai) are not policy makers," he explained.

He emphasized that it was the politicians who came that should understand and understand what to do when they were guests.

Earlier in his speech at the Briefing on Anti-Corruption Political Intelligence with Integrity (PCB) for the United Development Party in collaboration with the KPK in mid-August, Suharso mentioned the kiai envelope.

In the event which can be watched on the ACLC KPK Youtube channel, Suharso started his speech by telling his experience when he was the Acting General Chairperson of the PPP, where he had to visit several kiai at a large Islamic boarding school.

"By Allah and the messenger it happened. I came to the kiai with some friends, then I just left. Yes, I asked for prayer, then I walked away. Not long after, I was sent a WhatsApp message, 'Plt Plt was leaving or not for the kiai', I thought what to leave, I don't feel like I left anything there," said Suharso at the time.

After that, Suharso was reminded that if he met a kiai, he had to leave an "eye sign".

"'If he comes to him, there must be an eye mark left behind'. Wow, I didn't bring it. What's the signature? A sarong? a cap? Al-Qur'an or something? Every time we meet, we can't, even to this day if we meet there, if the handshake doesn't have an envelope, it's something tasteless going home. This is a real problem we are facing right now," he explained.

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