
SOLO - Preparations for the Muhammadiyah congress in Solo in November have reached 75 percent.

Chairman of the Recipient Committee for the 48th Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Congresses, Sofyan Anif, said that the activity, which is planned to be held on November 18-20, 2022, will be attended by millions of people.

"We took the last experience in 2015 in Makassar, at that time as many as 2.25 million people came, I even received a report that 350,000 rooms (hotels) had run out," he said in Solo, quoted from Antara, Friday, August 26.

He said that actually 5,000 people were officially invited by the committee. It is the responsibility of the committee for the participants.

However, it is estimated that millions of cheerleaders will be present to enliven the Muhammadiyah congress this time.

"We are looking for hotels and we have booked all of them. Information until a few days ago all the hotels in Solo apart from the ones we booked had run out, had been booked by the cheerleaders," he added.

Regarding the presence of the cheerleaders, his party is coordinating with the Surakarta City Government to provide support in the form of a place to rest for the cheerleaders.

"We provide schools, mosques. I told Mas Wali (Mayor of Surakarta) if possible for non-Muslim schools. I know the Catholic Education Council in Solo very well," he said.

He said he had been invited to use the existing school around the Manahan Stadium considering that the location would be used for the opening of the Muhammadiyah congress.

"This is also to maintain our tolerance, because actually in Muhammadiyah itself tolerance is taught. We also involve state schools, asking for that day because there are so many people to be closed. Maybe we can use the rooms for sleeping, a transit place for the cheerleaders," he said.

On the same occasion, the Mayor of Surakarta, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, said that he would mobilize relevant agencies to assist the event according to their respective tupoksi.

"We will also coordinate with Forkompinda, Mr. Danrem, Mr. Dandim, Mr. Police Chief. Later we will all be together so that this event can run smoothly," he said.

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