
JAKARTA - Central Jakarta Metro Police summoned an elevator maintenance officer regarding the death of a Lotus Decor shop employee with the initials DH (24) due to a fall in the elevator at the shop where he worked.

"Today we are calling for a third party or maintaining the lift," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin when confirmed, Friday, August 26.

Kombes Komarudin said the examination of a number of witnesses was also continuing.

In addition, the Forensic Laboratory Center (Puslabfor) of the National Police Headquarters has been dispatched to investigate the cause of the elevator crash.

"We are waiting for the results from the puslabfor regarding the broken elevator," he said.

The National Police Labfor Team was dispatched to check the exact cause of the elevator crash which killed a shop employee and another employee was critically ill. However, the front of the Lotus Decor store was not installed with a police line.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for the Sawah Besar Police, AKP Wildan, said that the process for processing the crime scene (TKP) had been carried out by the National Police Laboratory.

"(Evidence brought from the crime scene) chains and elevator machines," said AKP Wildan, Friday, August 26.

The Labfor team will examine the evidence brought from the scene. It's just that it is not known when the results of the Labfor team's examination will come out.

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