
JAKARTA - President Director of Perumda PAM Jaya Arief Nasruddin revealed a number of strategies to meet the coverage of drinking water services to reach 100 percent of the Jakarta area by 2030.

One of the strategies implemented is a plan for cooperation in the management of the drinking water supply system (SPAM) which will be added in various areas with the private sector.

In DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation Number 7 of 2022, the acceleration of increasing service coverage is carried out through the implementation of SPAM which includes SPAM Jatiluhur (downstream), SPAM Karian Serpong (downstream), SPAM Buaran III, uprating SPAM Buaran I and II, Provincial SPAM including Pesanggrahan, Ciliwung, Communal, and Cilandak.

This is stated in the Decree of the Board of Directors of PAM JAYA Number 65 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for Cooperation in the Implementation of the Drinking Water System.

“Support from all parties is needed in the implementation of SPAM in DKI Jakarta Province. PAM Jaya invites business actors and fund providers to invest in advancing drinking water management in DKI Jakarta," said Arief at the "Market Sounding Plan for Cooperation in the Development of SPAM in DKI Jakarta Province" in Jakarta, Thursday, August 25.

Considering that the water management cooperation contract with the private sector or water privatization with Palyja and Aetra will expire in January 2023, Arief admitted that his party will take an inventory of the assets previously managed by the two private parties to become the property of PAM Jaya.

In addition, PAM Jaya will also provide new assets. The provision of new assets is carried out in a cooperation plan with a business entity with a bundling financing scheme.

Arief said that this form of cooperation would be different from the end-to-end collaboration with existing partners.

"The cooperation between PAM Jaya and business entities must protect the rights of the community and be mutually beneficial," said Arief.

Furthermore, Arief revealed another strategy taken to pursue the target of fulfilling water service coverage at this company owned by the DKI Provincial Government.

These include reducing the level of non-revenue water (NRW) or water leakage, periodic pipe maintenance, direct connections, and construction of supporting infrastructure.

Currently, PAM JAYA's service coverage is 65.85 percent, the number of customers is 913,913, the production capacity is 20,082 liters per second, the pipe length is 12,075 kilometers,

and the NRW rate of 46.47 percent.

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