
BANDUNG - The trial of the binary options investment fraud case with the defendant Doni Salmanan presented a victim witness who claimed to have suffered a loss of Rp. 136 million due to his interest in investing.

A witness named Restu Adi was present in person at the hearing with the agenda of examining witnesses, at the Bale Bandung District Court, Bandung Regency, West Java, Thursday, August 25. Meanwhile, Doni Salmanan attended the online trial.

"Why are you witnesses interested?" asked the Panel of Judges of the Bale Bandung District Court Achmad Satibi to witness Restu Adi quoted from Antara.

Then Restu replied that he was interested in investing in the Quotex application after watching a video on Doni Salmanan's YouTube account. According to Restu, the video contains an investment process of Rp. 70 million which will earn billions of rupiah in profit.

"At that time, I saw, it was interesting too, so I was also carried away wanting to join," said Restu, answering the judge's question.

Restu admitted that he started playing stocks on Quotex by following the methods presented by Doni Salmanan in the video on YouTube. He admits that he has started playing stocks since March 2021.

However, he admitted that he eventually ran out of money after playing the stock.

At that time, he believed he could become like Doni Salmanan who had a lot of money after playing stocks.

"In fact, after so many months, all I know is that everything (the money) is gone, it's like fun," said Restu.

He invested a total of IDR 300 million. After counting, he admitted that he had lost Rp. 136 million, and even sold his car to invest.

Meanwhile, Ikbar Firdaus' attorney said the loss suffered by the victim had nothing to do with Doni Salmanan.

The reason, according to him, when registering at Quotex, a notification is written that the investment contains risks.

"Doni has nothing to do with the loss that the witness is experiencing, because from the start it has been explained about the risks of this game," said Ikbar.

According to Ikbar, Doni cannot be blamed for the thing being promoted, namely Quotex. So according to him, the one who should be held accountable is the Quotex application.

"This type of game carries the risk that he consciously determines the playing position himself, there is no direction from Doni, he himself determines the position," he said again.

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