
JAKARTA - The PDIP faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD touched on the issue of financing the implementation of Formula E in a plenary meeting with the agenda of delivering the faction's general view of the Raperda on Accountability for the Implementation of the Regional Budget (P2APBD) for the 2021 Fiscal Year.

In presenting his view, the PDIP faction member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Hardiyanto Kenneth said that his party doubted the ability of the DKI Provincial Government, in this case the BUMD PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro), to pay for the lack of commitment fees and costs for organizing Formula E until 2024.

According to the agreement in the renegotiation process, Formula E will be implemented for 3 years from 2022 to 2024. Jakpro has paid a commitment fee of £31 million or Rp. 560 billion until 2021.

However, Jakpro still has to pay the remaining commitment fee of 5 million pounds or IDR 90.7 billion plus 10 percent of revenue. The payment for this commitment fee deficiency cannot be sourced from the APBD. Therefore, Jakpro will use company funds to make the payment.

"We have doubts about the funds, including questioning the financial capacity of PT Jakpro, especially those related to the implementation of Formula E car racing," said Kenneth at the DKI Jakarta DPRD building, Wednesday, August 24.

Not to mention, Jakpro also still has to pay for the implementation of Formula E which was held at the Jakarta International E-Prix Circuit (JIEC).

The assumption is that the operating costs until 2024 are Rp. 1,239 billion from DKI non-APBD funds. Seeing the amount of funds spent to hold this electric car race, Kenneth also asked for an explanation of the economic benefits that Jakarta will get.

"What's the financial benefit?" he said.

Furthermore, Kenneth also questioned the benefits obtained by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and Jakpro when Formula E, which was held at the Ancol circuit, was broadcast on television channels.

"What benefits can the DKI Provincial Government and PT Jakpro get when they use the rights to broadcasting nationally but not directly, and when using the logo for 6 months before the Formula E event," concluded Kenneth.

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