
JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the DPR RI Habiburokhman asked the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, to transparently disclose the motive and background of the alleged premeditated murder case carried out by Inspector General Ferdi Sambo against his aide Brigadier J.

"There is nothing wrong with the National Police Chief conveying the motive and background of this case," said Habiburokhman during the Commission III Working Meeting (Raker) of the House of Representatives at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Wednesday, August 24.

According to him, the motives and backgrounds that have not been disclosed transparently have become obstacles for the community. Because, all this time, Ferdi Sambo said the shooting was carried out because it was related to the dignity of the family.

"For us, this has been a bit of a walk that has been the reference for FS's statement related to the dignity of the family, even though there are other witnesses there. I think I can provide initial information to the public because it is important that all criminal acts will be exposed in the court. trial but it would be good to start too," Habiburokhman said.

According to him, the disclosure of the motive and background is very important so that the issues related to the case do not go wild and develop everywhere.

"Some say about the viral bunker, which bunker, but there is a kind of 'movement' related to the Sambo case," he said.

The Gerindra politician also mentioned the steps taken by the National Police Chief in handling this case. "The warrior's first step is to form a team, then the second step involves external parties from Komnas HAM, the component is to supervise. The third step is to update the public almost every day," he said. Therefore, Habiburokhman considered that transparent disclosure of this case could be a momentum for the National Police to restore public trust, which is currently declining. "In my humble opinion, the momentum starts with how to uncover this case, who is at fault must be punished according to the level of guilt. Don't let a strong party be saved because it will surely smell both internally and externally," he said.

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