
JAKARTA - The inactive North Penajam Paser Regent Abdul Gafur Mas'ud has been charged with 8 years in prison plus an obligation to pay a replacement fee of Rp.4.179 billion for being proven to have received bribes of Rp.5.7 billion in the alleged crime of accepting bribes in arranging work packages for the 2020 and 2021 FYs in Jakarta. PPU District.

"Declaring that Defendant I Abdul Gafur Mas'ud and Defendant II Nur Afifah Balgis have been proven legally and convincingly guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption as stated in the first indictment," said KPK Public Prosecutor (JPU) Ferdian Adi Nugroho at the Corruption Court (Tipikor) Samarinda, East Kalimantan, reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 22.

"The defendant I Abdul Gafur Mas'ud was sentenced to imprisonment for 8 years and a fine of Rp. 300 million, subsidiary to 6 months in prison," continued the prosecutor.

Abdul Gafur is considered proven guilty of committing the first indictment of Article 12 letter b in conjunction with Article 18 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code jo. Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

"Criminalized Defendant II Nur Afifah Balqis in the form of imprisonment for 5 years and 6 months and a fine of Rp. 300 million, subsidiary of 6 months in prison," said prosecutor Ferdi.

Nur Afifah Balqis is the General Treasurer of the Balikpapan Democratic Party Branch Leadership Council (DPC).

The KPK prosecutor also asked the panel of judges to provide additional criminal penalties in the form of replacement money.

"Imposed additional punishment to Defendant I Abdul Gafur Mas'ud in the form of paying compensation to the state in the amount of Rp. 4,179,200,000.00 minus the proceeds from the auction of assets in the form of a plot of land along with its certificate and goods purchased by Defendant II Nur Afifah Balgis in the form of 1 Hermes Fragrance-Eau Des Merveilles, 1 shirt brand ZARA size M, and 1 Hat-Bob Dior," continued the prosecutor.

If Abdul Gafur does not pay the replacement money within 1 month after the court's decision that has obtained permanent legal force, his property can be confiscated by the prosecutor and auctioned to cover the replacement money.

"If the defendant's property is not sufficient, he will be sentenced to 3 years in prison," said the prosecutor.

The prosecutor is also still asking that the judge revoke Abdul Gafur's political rights in the election of public office for 5 years from the time the defendant has finished serving his main sentence.

Not to be missed, the prosecutor asked the judge to order the confiscation of money received by Democratic Party politician Andi Arief.

"Stipulated that the refund from Andi Arief of Rp50 million during the trial process was confiscated for the state," said the prosecutor.

In this case, Abdul Gafur Mas'ud as Regent of North Penajam Paser for the 2018-2023 period was proven to have received a total of Rp. 5.7 billion in cash prizes from Ahmad Zuhdi, which was received through Asdarussalam and Supriadi of Rp. 1.85 billion; from Damis Hak, Achmad, Usriani, and Husaini through Jusman in the amount of Rp250 million.

Then from 9 contractors working on projects at the PUPR Service through Edi Hasmoro a total of Rp500 million; and from several companies that take care of business licenses in PPU Regency in the amount of Rp. 3.1 billion.

Abdul Gafur conditions that the project at the PUPR Service will be won by a company owned by Ahmad Zuhdi alias Yudi; in the Department of Education, Youth and Sports (Disdikpora) companies won by Ahmad Zuhdi alias Yudi, Damis Hak, Achmad, Ursiani and Husaini; and ordered the issuance of permits for PT Bara Widya Tama, PT Prima Surya Silica, PT Damar Putra Mandiri, PT Indoka Mining Resources, PT Waru Kaltim Plantation (WKP) and PT Petronesia Benimel.

Abdul Gafur since 2015 as Chairman of the Leadership Council of the Balikpapan City Democratic Party Branch is known to often use Nur Afifah Balqis' ATM for transactions.

After becoming PPU Regent in 2018, Abdul Gafur also remained the chairman of the Balikpapan Democratic DPC and appointed Nur Afifah as General Treasurer of the Balikpapan Democratic DPC.

Abdul Gafur also appointed several former members of his success team during the election to serve in the district government, among others, Asdarussalam as a member of the Supervisory Board of PDAM Danum Taka and RSUD Ratu Aji Putri Botung, Muliadi as Plt. PPU Regional Secretary.

They were asked to collect money according to their respective authorities, namely Muliadi related to licensing while Edi Hasmoro and Jusman were related to projects at the PUPR Service and Disdikpora to support operational funding needs as the PPU Regent and the Chairperson of the Balikpapan Democratic Party DPC.

Muliadi as the Acting Secretary of the Regional Secretariat regulates the issuance of permits in PPU Regency has received grants from several companies that applied for permits to the PPU Regency Government to be given to Abdul Gafur either directly or through Nur Afifah from April 2021 to January 2022 so that the total received through Muladi is Rp3, 1 billion.

Furthermore, the collection by Adarussalam at the PUPR Service since June 2020-December 2021 is IDR 1.85 billion.

Meanwhile, the collection through Edi Hasmoro as the Head of the PUPR Service is in January 2022, which is IDR 500 million.

Then the collection of money by Jusman as Head of Facilities and Infrastructure at PPU Regency Disdikpora in November 2021-January 2022 amounted to Rp250 million.

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