
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) has deported Maelao Kalworai, an MMA mixed martial arts athlete who is a Vanuatu nationality.

Director of Immigration Supervision and Enforcement at the Directorate General of Immigration at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, I Nyoman Gede Surya Mataram, said that Maelao was proven to have misused the identity card (KTP) of Indonesian citizens (WNI) in order to participate in MMA competitions.

"Maelao Kalworai is considered a danger and disturbing public order. This is because he used the ID card of his fellow Indonesian citizen (WNI), Jordan Hilapok, to compete," he said in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Monday, August 22.

Yordan Hilapok is an Indonesian citizen from Jayawijaya Regency, Papua, who met Maelao Kalworai at Han Academy Solo, Central Java.

From the results of the examination, he entered Indonesia using a visa and had a valid residence permit. However, based on the findings of the officer concerned carrying out activities that are not in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.

For his actions, he was charged with Article 75 paragraph (1) of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration because he was considered to have carried out dangerous activities and was reasonably suspected of endangering security and public order, or not respecting, obeying the laws and regulations.

"Maelao Kalworai was subject to immigration administrative action in the form of deportation and his name was included in the deterrence list," he said.

He will be repatriated on Qantas Airways flight QF 42 at 20:10 WIB tonight.

The man from Vanuatu is known to live in Indonesia using a business visit residence permit issued by the East Jakarta Immigration Office. The validity period of the permit has also expired on March 4, 2022.

Previously, Maelao Kalworai was the holder of a limited stay permit in order to study with the sponsorship of Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta (UNS) since 2014 as a student of the Faculty of Civil Engineering scholarship program.

The free boxing athlete is known to have continued his studies to master's level for three semesters before being declared "drop out" (DO) by UNS in June 2021.

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