
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) is asked to immediately evaluate the independent pathway for new student admissions at State Universities (PTN).

"We will encourage the Ministry of Education and Culture and also LLDikti to deliver more actively or evaluate the independent pathway for new student admissions to PTN," said Member of Commission X of the House of Representatives (DPR), Putra Nababan, Monday, August 22, quoted from Antara.

He added that the independent path is the last resort for prospective new students to enter PTN, after the SNMPTN and SBMPTN pathways.

Therefore, Putra urges that the independent entry process be carried out transparently.

“Starting from what are the requirements, how the selection is, the results, until the costs are announced transparently. So, if there is a conspiracy in the acceptance of this independent path, it can be found out. It's no longer under the hands or under the table, everything must be done transparently," he said.

Putra said he was concerned about the alleged corruption case involving the Chancellor of the State University of Lampung (Unila) Prof. Dr. Karomani and a number of his staff. The arrest by the KPK was allegedly related to bribery in accepting new students from the independent pathway.

“I am super concerned about this condition. Moreover, Indonesia has just celebrated 77 years of Indonesia's Independence. A university leader should show his civility. Their actions destroy and undermine the sense of justice in society," he said.

As a result of the actions of these individuals, he continued, the imagination of Indonesian children who wanted to continue their education at state universities was hurt.

Putra also asked that the incident that tarnished the world of education immediately be fully disclosed to the public.

The KPK has named four people as suspects in the alleged bribery case by state officials or their representatives regarding the admission of prospective new students at the University of Lampung (Unila) in 2022.

The three suspects as recipients of bribes are Karomani (KRM), Deputy Chancellor I for Academic Affairs Heryandi (HY), and Chair of the Unila Senate Muhammad Basri (MB), while the suspect as the bribe giver is Andi Desfiandi (AD) as a private party.

In case construction, KRM, who serves as Unila Chancellor for the 2020-2024 period, has the authority regarding the Lampung University (Simanila) Entrance Independent Selection mechanism for the 2022 Academic Year.

During the Simanila process, the KPK suspected that KRM was directly involved in determining the graduation of the Simanila participants, by ordering HY and the Head of the Planning and Public Relations Bureau of Unila Budi Sutomo, and involving MB to participate in personal selection regarding the abilities of student parents.

If you want to be declared passed, the parents of prospective students can be assisted by submitting a sum of money, in addition to the official money paid according to the mechanism of the university.

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