
YOGYAKARTA Bridges are infrastructure built to cross ravines or obstacles such as rivers, railroads or highways. In Indonesia, several bridges are built with a length of up to thousands of meters, because the distance between connected areas is sometimes far away. Like the Batam-Bintan bridge project with a range of 14.7 kilometers and predicted to be the longest bridge in Indonesia.

Quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Finance, the Batam-Bintan Bridge project is included in the major project of the 2020-2024 national medium-term development plan (RPJMN). This bridge is expected to be able to express in 2025.

Well, before the Batam-Bintan bridge project was completed, there were several bridges that held the title as the longest bridge in Indonesia.

6 of the Longest Bridges in Indonesia

Compiled by VOI from various sources, the following is the longest row of positions in Indonesia with a length of up to thousands of meters:

The bridge, which connects the Surabaya and Madura areas, has four two-way lanes as wide as 3.5 meters and two emergency lanes 2.75 meters wide. In addition, the Suramadu Bridge also provides a special lane for motorcyclists on each side of the bridge.

The Suramadu Bridge was built with three parts, covers of flyovers, connecting bridges, and main bridges.

The Pasupat Bridge is a connecting road for Pasteur Canal and Jalan Surapati and passes through Cikapundung.

This bridge is 2.8 kilometers long and 21.53 kilometers wide. The bridge construction project, which became an icon of the city of Bandung, was originally carried out since the 1920s. It's just that the project was abandoned and could only be used in June 2005.

Currently, the Pasupati Bridge has changed its name to Jalan Layang Prof Mochat Kusumaatmadja.

This bridge has a length of 1,196 kilometers and a width of 16.95 meters. The Siak Tengku Agung Sultanah Latifah Bridge was built on the Siak River, Riau.

This bridge is the connecting infrastructure for Siak Regency and Siak Sri Indrapura City. The Siak Tengku Agung Sultanah Latifah Bridge project was built since 2002 and was inaugurated on August 11, 2007.

The bridge, which stretches for 1.140 kilometers, connects Rumah Tiga Village (Poka) in Sirimau District on the north side and Hative Kacil/Halala Village in Teluk Ambon District on the Selartan side.

Thanks to the Red and White bridge, the travel time from Pattimura Airport to Ambon City Center has become faster.

The construction of the Red and White Bridge took 7 years. The bridge was built on July 17, 2011 and was inaugurated on April 4, 2016.

Ampera Bridge has a length of 1.117 kilometers with a width of 22 meters. This bridge stretches over the Musi River and connects the area across Ulu and across Ilir.

Ampera Bridge is the oldest bridge when juxtaposed with the previous four bridges. The Ampera Bridge project began construction in April 1962 and was completed in 1965.

The Barito Bridge stretches for 1,082 kilometers and crosses the Barito river and the small island (Bakart island).

This bridge was inaugurated in 1997 by President Soehato. At that time, the Barito Bridge managed to break Muri's record as the longest suspension bridge in Indonesia.

The Barito Bridge connects South and Central Kalimantan. This bridge is also a tourist spot in Barito Kuala, Banjarmasin and South Kalimantan regencies.

That's the information on the six longest bridges in Indonesia. Which one have you visited?

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