
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) has submitted a Detailed Spatial Plan (RDTR) for the State Capital (IKN) to the Transitional Team of the IKN Authority which will be used as a detailed plan and reference for space utilization permits. RDTR is important, because RDTR is at the forefront of planning and implementing space utilization and development," said Director General of Spatial Planning at the Ministry of ATR/BPN Gabriel Triwibawa in a statement quoted in Jakarta, Saturday, August 20. Previously, a Coordination Meeting for the Preparation of the IKN RDTR was held on August 8 (which discussed the draft RDTR and Strategic Environmental Studies (KLHS). The Ministry of ATR/BPN has also submitted the prepared IKN RDTR planning documents to the IKN Authority. The plans include the RDTR of the Planning Area (WP) 1 Central Government Core Area (KIPP), RDTR WP 2 IKN West, RDTR WP 4 IKN East I, and RDTR WP 5 IKN East II. The four RDTR documents that have been compiled can then be processed its stipulation by the IKN Authority Agency through a coordination mechanism in the IKN Transition Team.

In accordance with the mandate of Law Number 3 of 2022 and its derivative regulations, namely Presidential Regulation Number 63 of 2022 concerning Details of the Master Plan for the Capital of the Archipelago and Presidential Regulation Number 64 of 2022 concerning Spatial Planning for the National Strategic Area of the Archipelago Capital of 2022-2024, that IKN is planned as a city a sustainable world with the concept of a forest city, a sponge city, and a smart city. "In IKN development, careful planning documents are needed based on environmental carrying capacity and zoning, distribution of intensity accompanied by services for urban infrastructure in a hierarchical and proportional manner, as well as urban Based on Law (UU) Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital and Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 62 of 2022 concerning the Archipelago Capital Authority, the determination The Detailed Spatial Plan (RDTR) is mandated in the P Regulation of the Head of the State Capital Authority (IKN), Nusantara. For this reason, as a detailed plan and reference for space utilization permits, the IKN RDTR needs to be immediately stipulated as a Regulation of the Head of the IKN Authority.

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