
JAKARTA - Mental health is the foundation so that children can adapt to the future.

Pediatrician dr. Margareta Komalasari, Sp.A said it is important to pay attention to the mental condition of children. According to her, if parents are negligent, it can risk worsening mental conditions as teenagers to adults.

"Children's mental health is a way of how children think about themselves and how they are with their surroundings. Children's mental health is very important because it is a process for them to adapt to their environment and affect their mental health when they grow up," said dr. Margareta was quoted from the official Kalbe Farma broadcast, quoted from Antara, Saturday, August 20.

Further, dr. Margareta said that currently many people are stressed and bipolar. It is feared that the disease will increase if parents do not pay attention to their child's mental health.

Parents must be aware of changes in their children's actions and emotions, for example when they see an agile child suddenly moody or unwilling to interact with other people.

"Children's condition will be better if parents can detect them quickly. Detection of children's mental health can start at school age, because children are already exposed to stress," said dr. Margaret.

Maintaining mental health can be done from an early age. For example, when breastfeeding, the mother also invites her child to communicate, giving full attention to the little one. Because, three aspects of child development are honing, loving, and nurturing.

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