
SURABAYA - The Mubahalah oath proposed by the accused molester Moch Subchi Azal Tsani (MSAT) or Mas Bechi was rejected by the panel of judges. The reason is that the law in Indonesia does not recognize the Mubahalah Oath or outside the law in the country.

"The Mubahalah oath does not fall under Indonesian law, so it is rejected," said the Public Prosecutor (JPU), Tengku Firdaus, after the witness examination hearing at the Surabaya District Court, Friday, August 19.

The Mubahalah oath, said Firdaus, is a system that works outside the law. Meanwhile, Indonesian law does not recognize this system.

"The Mubahalah oath is outside the law. The law in our country does not recognize that, so it was rejected," he said.

The trial, said Firdaus, will continue on Monday (22/8). The witness being questioned on Monday has been sworn in since last Monday (15/8).

"On Monday, the trial will start again at 07.30 WIB in the Cakra Room of the Surabaya District Court," he said.

Previously, the Defendant's lawyer, I Gede Pasek Suardika, confirmed that his client had applied for an oath of mubahalah. The application has been submitted to the judge.

"Offered to the panel of judges, the two (defendants) took an oath of mubahalah. But it was granted or not, we'll just have to wait," he said.

Pasek ensures that the Mubahalah oath will be carried out soon. They have submitted a written oath to the panel of judges.

"It has been formally submitted. It's just a matter for the judge to decide," he said.

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