
JABAR - The Governor of West Java (Jabar) M Ridwan Kamil ensured that there were no more underdeveloped villages in his area. This achievement was inversely proportional to when he took office, it was recorded that there were 929 underdeveloped villages in West Java. "So one of the achievements, at the beginning of taking office there were still underdeveloped villages, now it is zero according to the report of the head of the village office," said Ridwan Kamil after the Anniversary Plenary Meeting. 77th West Java Province at the West Java DPRD Building, Bandung City, Friday, August 19. In fact, he continued, the total independent villages increased significantly from 37 to 1,130 villages in West Java Province. and very underdeveloped and the increase in independent villages shows that development in villages is evenly inclusive. One of them is the digital village program, one village one company, budget alignment, millennial farmer programs," he said, according to Antara. An independent village is a village that has the ability to carry out village development independently to prosper and improve the quality of life of its people. Governor Ridwan Kamil hopes that the increase in independent villages in West Java will inspire other villages and he believes the future is in the village. The condition is digital mastery. so that it inspires because I believe the future is in the village, as long as you master digital. So living in the village, the sustenance of the city, business is global, "he said.

He further said that in the last year of his term of office, his party would pay attention to things that were lacking, such as the condition of provincial roads.

"I'm still making sure that one of them is smooth road infrastructure. There are also many complaints because the money has been lost due to COVID-19. In the last two years it will be returned so that at the end of my position things are going well," he said.

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