
JAKARTA - The Tambora Police (Polsek) West Jakarta said that the boarding house fire incident in South Duri Sub-district, which occurred on Wednesday, August 17, was caused by a short circuit in the fan. A short circuit in the object caused the fire to engulf the building, killing 6 residents of the boarding house and injuring 3 residents.

"Because we have checked the owner of the room and he left the boarding house at five in the morning. Then, he forgot to remove the fan. So, the fan is on," said Tambora Police Chief, Commissioner Rosana Albertina Labobar in Jakarta, Thursday, August 18. .

He explained that because the electrical connection was still plugged into the socket, there was a short circuit in the electric current which caused a spark on the second floor of the boarding house.

Investigators from the Sector Police have also checked the location of the fire for a crime scene (TKP).

During the crime scene, investigators found the electric plug on the fan which was still plugged into the socket.

To strengthen these findings, the police have examined nine witnesses, consisting of two boarding house owners, two burn victims and five boarding house occupants.

In the future, it is possible for his party to examine other witnesses to reveal the main cause of the fire.

Previously, Head of the Tambora Sector of the West Jakarta Gulkamart Sub-dept, Joko Susilo explained the chronology of the fire.

It started when the public reported the fire incident at 06.36 WIB, Wednesday, August 17.

"We received the report at 06.36. There was a shophouse that was used as a boarding house on fire," said Joko.

Based on the report, his party then went to the location with a force of five pump cars and 25 personnel.

Arriving at the location, it was seen that the second floor of the shop was burned. The officers immediately put out the fire.

Because the fire could not be controlled, the officers finally added personnel to the total number of units that were deployed as many as 20 pump cars and 100 officers.

Because of the incident, six occupants of the boarding house burned to death because they were trapped inside when the fire spread.

In addition, two other occupants of the boarding house also suffered serious burns.

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