
JAKARTA - The Chinese research vessel Yuanwang-5 is anchored in Sri Lanka and is expected to trigger concerns from the Indian side.

India previously worried that the Chinese research vessel, which stopped in Sri Lanka, would track India's ballistic missile range and facilitate Chinese submarine operations.

"Yuanwang-5's research activities are in accordance with international law and are common practice, so third parties cannot intervene," said Chinese Foreign Ministry (MFA) spokesman Wang Wenbin in Beijing, Wednesday, August 17.

The ship was supposed to stop at Hambantota Port in the eastern region of Sri Lanka on Thursday (11/8) last week but only happened on Tuesday because India continued to pressure Sri Lanka to delay the arrival of the Chinese ship for security reasons.

"It is very inappropriate for certain countries to pressure Sri Lanka on the grounds of security concerns," Wang said.

Chinese Ambassador to Sri Lanka Qi Zhenhong held a welcoming ceremony for the arrival of the Yuanwang-5 ship at Hambantota Port.

The ceremony was attended by MP Mahinda Wijasekera, as representative of the Sri Lankan Presidency, and ten party leaders and local community leaders.

"The atmosphere is very warm and friendly when the Chinese and Sri Lankan national anthems are played," Wang said at the regular press conference.

The ship docked and filled logistics in Sri Lanka until Monday (22/8).

"The ship does not affect the security and economic interests of any country and should not be interfered with by any third party. The two countries have cooperated in the field of scientific research for many years," he said.

When asked if China would provide more assistance to the country that is experiencing economic difficulties, Wang replied that China could feel the economic and social difficulties that Sri Lanka was facing.

"We have provided support and assistance to Sri Lanka in the past to overcome economic difficulties within our means. And we will continue to do so in the future," he said.

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