
JAKARTA - The President of the United States (US), Joe Biden, wished the Republic of Indonesia a happy 77th birthday. He conveyed this remark to President Joko Widodo and all the people of Indonesia.

In his message, Biden said, the United States and Indonesia celebrated the milestone of independence anniversary amid a long shared history built on nearly identical visions between the two countries.

If Indonesia adheres to "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika", the US has the motto "E Pluribus Unum". The sentence is taken from Latin and literally means "From many to one".

Joe Biden said the motto of the two countries underscores the importance of inclusiveness in building bridges between diverse societies.

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said he was proud of the long history of friendship and cooperation between the US and Indonesia.

"I witnessed firsthand the strength of our relationship and the importance of the US-Indonesia Strategic Partnership when I visited Jakarta in December 2021 and Bali in July 2022," Blinken said, as quoted by Antara from a statement released by the US State Department, Wednesday, August 17.

Blinken then stated that the US supports Indonesia's global leadership as the President of the G20 this year and looks forward to Indonesia's 2023 ASEAN Chair.

"The United States is honored to have such a close partner in the region as we work to secure a free and open Indo-Pacific," he said.

"On behalf of the United States, I send my congratulations to the Indonesian people on the occasion of this Independence Day," continued the US Secretary of State.

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