
CIANJUR - A total of one inmate at the Class II B Prison in Cianjur, West Java died from drinking hand sanitizer mixed with a stamina-boosting drink.

Meanwhile, two other inmates are still undergoing treatment at the Cianjur Hospital.

Head of Cianjur Class II B Headquarters, Heri Aris Susila, said the three inmates were immediately taken to Cianjur Hospital for medical assistance. But the life of one of them could not be saved because when he was found his mouth was foaming.

"The condition of the inmates when the officers found him was unconscious in his cell, for the prisoner Rifky was found with foamy mouth and mucus. The three were immediately taken to Cianjur Hospital for medical assistance," said Heri as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, August 15.

After a few hours of receiving treatment, Rifky was declared dead due to acute dehydration. Meanwhile, the other two prisoners, Robi and Nurmawan, are currently undergoing intensive treatment at the hospital. It is suspected that fluids and drinks to increase stamina were obtained from the prison.

He emphasized that his party denied that there was a drinking party in the prison that caused the death of one prisoner and two other people receiving treatment at the hospital due to strict examinations and restrictions on activities implemented in prisons.

Meanwhile, getting cleaning fluids and stamina-boosting drinks is not prohibited.

"The bodies of the prisoners who died have been brought by the family for burial. We received information that the inmates with the theft case had been addicted to alcohol for a long time," he said.

Currently, two other inmates who are still undergoing treatment are being guarded by prison officers and the police with conditions starting to improve.

"We will further tighten supervision and the delivery of food and beverages will be limited," he said.

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