
SURABAYA - The trial with the agenda of examining witnesses for the sexual harassment case at the Siddiqiyyah Ploso Islamic Boarding School, Jombang, was again held at the Surabaya District Court. In the first offline trial, the accused molester Moch Subchi Azal Tsani (MSAT) or Bechi attended.

When he arrived at the PN, Mas Bechi didn't say much. He only said he was in good health. MSAT also stated that it was ready to take part in offline hearings and meet with victims.

"Thank God, I'm fine, healthy. God willing, I'm ready for the offline trial," said Bechi, when he was about to attend the first offline trial, Monday, August 15

When walking from the front to the detention room of the Surabaya District Court, MSAT just looked down. Bechi then waited for the victim's witness examination hearing in the detention room.

Mas Bechi was accompanied by his wife and mother. Both seemed to be sitting not far from the detention room.

Previously, the panel of judges decided that the follow-up trial of the student molestation case was planned to be held offline or face-to-face.

The decision for the offline trial was decided by the Surabaya District Court Panel of Judges on the agenda for the interim decision hearing held in the Cakra room on Monday, August 8.

"The determination of the Surabaya District Court, considering that the examination of the case and the trial was held offline with strict procedures and maintaining security and order," said Chief Justice Sutrisno.

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