
SURABAYA - Deputy Mayor of Surabaya Armuji assessed that the concept of culinary tourism centers at a number of points in the City of Heroes, East Java, is time to be updated.

"If you want to move forward, you have to adapt to the needs of the times, the place in SWK (culinary tourism center) is also quite representative," said Deputy Mayor (Wawali) Armuji in a written statement in Surabaya, East Java, Antara, Sunday, August 14.

According to him, the SWK concept that needs to be updated is related to the arrangement of sellers. He gave an example, if there is a soto seller, the characteristic of the tenant must be a soto cart, and if there is a satay seller, it must also be unique so that there is an attractive element.

"Crowded SWKs can be used as examples to be replicated to quiet SWKs. Anything that is lacking can be inventoried," he said.

Armuji said there were as many as 44 SWKs spread across the city of Surabaya under the management of the Surabaya Cooperative, Trade and Micro Business Office (Dinkopdagum) which played an important role in people's economic growth.

For this reason, Armuji encourages effective steps to be taken to revitalize SWK so that it can become a community referral center in Surabaya.

Cak Ji, as he is familiarly called, assumes that every SWK is encouraged to highlight its characteristics. He then gave an example of SWK at Taman Bungkul Surabaya which is unique, one of which is the rawon food menu which is now well known to many residents.

"If necessary, art and cultural performances are also presented at every moment and use the spaces as a means of meeting residents or other activities," said Armuji.

He wanted each SWK to have its own brand. In addition, he continued, Dinkopdagum was asked to be more progressive in facilitating the building of trade networks between sellers, customers and distributors.

"Young people can use it as a means of creation and a place to work, we just have to provide what they need," he said.

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