
KUDUS - A tornado hit two villages in Undaan Subdistrict, Kudus Regency, Central Java, resulting in minor to moderate damage to dozens of houses.

According to the Head of Emergency and Logistics of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Kudus Munaji Regency in Kudus, the two villages hit by the natural disaster were Glagahwaru Village and Undaan Kidul Village, Undaan District.

Natural disasters in the two villages are estimated to occur between 14.15 WIB and 15.30 WIB.

As a result of the incident, he said, 36 houses of local villagers were damaged in various ways.

Among them in Glagahwaru Village there are four houses and in Undaan Kidul Village there are 31 houses and a warehouse.

"There are currently zero injuries," he said.

Several residents' houses were damaged, including the roof due to flying tiles and falling.

Before the high winds occurred, in the local area heavy rains accompanied by winds caused many roofs of residents' houses to be carried away by the wind and the roof tiles of residents' houses fell, including roofs made of galvalume and zinc which were also damaged.

To repair the damaged houses, tens of thousands of tiles and hundreds of pieces of galvalume and zinc are needed.

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