
JAKARTA - The Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Malaysia Hermono said the One Channel System (OCS) for Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) for the domestic sector in Malaysia will be integrated on August 18, 2022.

"The system at the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, SIPERMIT, and the system at the Malaysian Immigration Office (JIM) are being linked and God willing, it will be completed on August 18 and will be operational," said Hermono when explaining the implementation of the MoU for domestic workers online in Kuala Lumpur. Saturday, August 13th.

However, although it has not been integrated as such, said Hermono, the placement of domestic assistants (ART) or PMI in the domestic sector in Malaysia has been implemented, some have even arrived in Malaysia.

There are already around 24,000 PMIs in the process of being able to work officially in Malaysia.

"There are two groups as far as I know. While waiting for the integration process to complete, we will process it manually using SIPERMIT," he said when explaining the Integrated Indonesian Migrant Worker Service System (SIPERMIT).

The Ambassador also explained about the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regarding the Placement and Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers in the Domestic Sector in Malaysia which was signed April 1, 2022 in Jakarta, as an effort by the government to improve the protection and welfare of PMIs working in the domestic sector in Malaysia.

According to him, the MoU is also very important because so far there have been many cases of domestic workers from Indonesia not receiving their salaries for years.

Other cases found included not having documents, overwork, passports held by employers, and being prohibited from communicating with family.

"Hopefully my friends in this sector will improve their welfare and their safety will improve. This MoU will benefit all related parties. There are agencies, employers, friends (PMI)," said Hermono.

With the integration of the system, all data on Indonesian workers will be entered into the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, including old data from Indonesian workers who have worked in Malaysia for a long time.

Thus, it is stated that the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian Embassy) will find it easier to track and respond faster if there are events that are not in accordance with the MoU.

"Because everything will be monitored. Whatever happens to them (PMI), how is the work contract, who is the employer, have they been paid or not, and if someone is late, it can be found out," said Hermono.

The system, he said, would of course also be connected to Jakarta, but through the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, because the entrances and exits are there. JIM cannot issue a work visa before the employment contract is approved by the embassy.

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