
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Gerindra Party and Chairman of the PKB Muhaimin Iskandar officially signed a charter of coalition cooperation for the 2024 presidential election at SICC Bogor, West Java, Saturday, August 13. The signing of the coalition charter was witnessed by thousands of Gerindra and PKB cadres from regional representatives throughout Indonesia. After signing the coalition charter, the two of them just waved goodbye. Furthermore, representing the party, the Daily Chairperson of the Gerindra DPP, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, and the PKB Deputy Chairperson, Jazilul Fawaid, read out the contents of the agreement. Jazilul said the two parties met to exchange ideas, build communication and build cooperation between Gerindra and PKB with all their strength to maintain unity and diversity. PKB and Gerindra agreed to maintain unity by not dividing, not discriminating and not judging each other among the nation's children. Dasco and Jazilul then mentioned one of the points of the declaration charter.

"One, in order to realize sustainable and sustainable national development, the Gerindra party and PKB will cooperate in the 2024 simultaneous elections," said Dasco. , prosperous, and actively encourage the acceleration of world peace," continued Jazilul.

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