
JAKARTA - DPR Chair Puan Maharani directly checks the preparations for the Annual Sessions of the MPR, DPR, DPD on Tuesday, August 16.

This is the first Annual Session that all members will attend during the COVID-19 pandemic, which was previously held on a limited basis.

"The DPR is very ready to hold the 2022 Annual Session, which is a mandate from the MPR Rules of Conduct Number 1 of 2014," said Puan in a written statement, Friday, August 12.

Puan said that preparations for the 2022 Annual Session had been carried out long ago. Starting from the preparation of the location, equipment and court support equipment.

"Including from the security side, activities have been carried out optimally considering that the Annual Session will be attended by the President, Vice President, ministers, and ambassadors from friendly countries," he said.

Puan revealed that the Annual Session of the MPR, DPR, DPD this time will use the Kawung batik ornaments typical of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). The kawung batik ornaments, he said, will be displayed in the lobby of the DPR building. It means that it is unique to Indonesia.

"In every event held by the DPR, it always has an archipelago nuance, because we want the uniqueness of Indonesia to always be present in every event we hold," said Puan.

To note, the 2021 Annual Session takes the theme of Kalimantan nuances. Puan said that the ornaments to decorate the event were not excessive.

"Of course we make it as attractive as possible but still show simplicity. Because the Annual Session is also part of the series of commemorations of the Indonesian Independence Day, we want the nuances of the archipelago to be felt quite a bit,” explained the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Puan added, after two years of undergoing the trial process in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the 2022 Annual Session will be held offline for 100 invitees. The 2022 Annual Session will be attended by 575 members of the DPR, 134 members of the DPD, the President and Vice President, ministers, and leaders of high state institutions.

In addition, the Annual Session also invited 103 ambassadors, former presidents and vice presidents, to general chairmen of political parties. The DPR ensures that the Annual Session will implement strict health protocols.

"Invited guests are required to do a PCR swab test before attending the annual session. And we will strictly maintain the health protocol," said Puan.

The agenda for the session is the Annual Session of the MPR RI, the Joint Session of the DPR RI-DPD RI, and the Plenary Session of the DPR RI regarding the Introduction to the Draft State Revenue and Expenditure Budget for Fiscal Year 2023 and its Financial Note.

Puan also invites all Indonesian people to watch the 2022 Annual Session which will later be broadcast live.

"The Annual Session is a means of communication for the government to be able to convey the results of its work directly to the people," said Puan.

"With the 2022 Annual Session, all Indonesian people can find out how the performance of the implementation of the authorities and responsibilities of each state institution for the past year," he added.

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